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Fallout 4 Far Harbor: Islander's Alamanc Magazines
Mapped Locations for All 5 Issues and Their Benefits

Fallout 4's Far Harbor DLC features a new type of collectible magazine - the Islander's Almanac. Each issue of the magazine gives a different bonus, based around survival on the Island. Here are maps and descriptions to help you collect all 5 of the magazines. The list is roughly in the order the average player would find them via Questing, assuming going to Acadia first with Longfellow. The last one is last for a reason. Those after the first are numbered in your Perks menu.
Magazine 1: Far Harbor Sightseer's Guide
Location: Far Harbor (the actual town)
Where to Find It: Inside The Last Plank bar. It's on a table next to Old Longfellow.
What it Does: Marks points of interest throughout the Island on your map. Not too many, but you want to find some places yourself!
Magazine 2: Children of Atom Expose (Issue 4)

Location: Acadia
Where to Find It: Down one floor from DiMA. You use the stairway near the entrance. Look to the large room at the end of the hall. There you'll find it lying on a counter to the left.
What it Does: Reduces damage from Radiation-based attacks by 10%, a great boost given all the creatures and Children of Atom attacks it can help mitigate. It does not affect environmental radiation at all.
Magazine 3: Recipe Roundup

Location: National Park Visitor's Center
Where to Find It: Walk inside, to the right is a counter where you'll find it easy to spot.
What it Does: Unlocks sludge-based recipes for the chemistry station. These require Condensed Fog to make, which you'll find here and there on the island. There are 4 recipes that are unlocked, all granting bonuses based on Radiation levels somehow. One raises Action Point regeneration the higher your rad level, another Strength based on radiation level, a third Damage Resistance, and finally one which lowers your Rad Resist by -150 but increases max HP by 75. All of these last 12 minutes.
Magazine 4: Precision Hunting

Location: Brooke's Head Lighthouse
Where to Find It: You can get this one while on a Quest for Cassie Dalton if you help avenge her bloodline. Head to the back of the ruined building to get into the lighthouse. Up 4 levels around the curved stairs, outside, up another level and find it on a table in the far corner.
What it Does: Increases VATS hit chance against animals by 5%. Better than Perception point for that purpose.
Magazine 5: Pincer Dodge

Location: Northwood Ridge Quarry
Where to Find It: Substantially harder than the other issues, so I'm listing this one last. A mirelurk infested area with a heavily fortified trapper base sums up Northwood Ridge Quarry. Kill all the Mirelurks, and you may even face a Queen. Look for the area in the screenshot and head down to the door that has a turret above it and a caution sign. Go inside, past the can chimes and up the stairs. It's near the trunk on a small table (in the screenshot above).
What it Does: Reduces the damage of Mirelurk melee attacks by 5%.
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