- New - A guide to making a Pistol/Gunslinger Build
- New - A guide to making a Melee Build
- New - Scav Magazine - All locations and details
- For New Players - Read the walkthrough.
- New - Open Season
- New - Power Play Quest
- New - Raider Outposts
- New - Nuka World Endings Guide - Options and Benefits
- The Grand Tour
- Faction Perks and New SPECIAL Ranks in Nuka World
- Gage (Companion)
Fallout 4 Nuka World Walkthrough
First Quest, All Aboard - Getting Started

In order to start the Nuka World DLC your character should be level 30, though you can travel to the Nuka World Transit Center manually and start it before then (see below for a screenshot of its map location). Once you meet that level requirement, you'll be able to tune in to the Nuka Cola Radio channel on your radio (from the Pip-boy). Upon listening to this message, you should get the quest 'All Aboard' and get a map marker near the Sunshine Tidings Co-op Settlement, off the western side of the map (as with Far Harbor's Quests).

BUG Help
- If you cannot get the train/monorail controls to work and take you to Nuka World, see here. No solution is known for Xbox/PS4 but people are trying to figure it out. For PC, you can use the cheat CoC DLC04NukaStationExt to try go get around it.
- Power Armor - can help with damage and radiation resistance. It is certainly not required, unless you lack ballistic weave and have a physically weak build.
- RadX and RadAway - Definitely helpful for certain parts.
- Food and Stimpaks - If you fall for traps during the later sequences or get into combat, you're inevitably going to need to heal.
- Carry Capacity - May be needed as this is a long quest you're getting into, so clean out your inventory before you set out!
- Dogmeat or Someone other than Preston - You may want a companion, but don't bring Preston if you care what he thinks about your character and don't yet have his perk. You get a companion when you follow the quests in Nuka World, so you may as well use the new person.
- Raider Outposts in Nuka World
- Nuka World - Play as a Raider in this DLC
- Far Harbor - Learn about the DLC, its secrets, and read walkthroughs
- Automatron - Guides to building bots and quest walkthroughs
- Settlements - An in-depth guide to Settlements and managing them
- Melee Build - the best perks for a melee character
- Sneaking - Learn to be stealthy
- Critical Hits - Shots to Crit and Crit damage mechanics
- Tips for Making a Build - General advice for creating your own build
- Action Points - AP and all the things that affect it
- VATS - all about the V.A.T.S. and AP usage on weapons
- Gameplay Tips - pointers that will help new players
- Making a Sniper Rifle Weapon mod examples. Heavy hitter and fast-firing Comparison - two guns from the same base.
What to Bring:
Quest: All Aboard

Head to the Nuka World Transit Center and save as you enter the region. Before you can make it to Nuka World, you'll face the first challenge. At the Transit Center, you'll have to face off against some high-ranking Gunners, who are nothing to laugh at and even feature a couple Assaultrons that will come at you. Take out their legs, and never shoot them in the head while doing the opposite to the Gunners.

The Gunner boss investigating the Transit Center, Commander Kaylor, will stealth when engaged and seems to be near level 50 herself. You can actually use the ruined building to the left of the entrance to gain a height advantage for this entire fight.

Defeat all the Gunners or consider making a run for it and board the train. I don't recommend the latter, as the new area is going to be tough anyway and the Gunners serve as a bit of a gear and skill check so you do not get stuck. Once aboard the train you're on your way to the new area. It has its own map just like previous DLC, and is quite large. Before you can begin to explore this, however, you've got to run the gauntlet. A sick game setup by a Raider who is yet unknown.
Nuka World Transit Center

Pass a speech check on Harvey once inside the transit center to get a somewhat different story, nothing major as far as I know. Either way, you'll get the control terminal password. Head to the back room for a computer and enable both primary and auxiliary power.

Now board the train and it's off to Nuka World! The announcer will give you a brief tour, before the communications are taken over by a raider named Gage. Looks like Harvey just couldn't be trusted.
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